My second book came out this past December -- Cryptid Academy 2: What We're Made Of -- a sequel to my debut middle grade fantasy novel, Cryptid Academy!

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Woooo! Congrats Howard! Do you have a preferred order link?

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Thanks Allison. I don't have a preferred order link, but my website has many possible links that can be used!


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Hello! I'd love to share Marnie's Memoir Mission. I've been a ghostwriter, editor and memoir coach since 2011, and I created a memoir accountability program aimed at encouraging and motivating women writers. Men are welcome, but in my experience, it's women who prioritise others and leave their dreams on the shelf, despite the call of the stories inside them and the immense and essential wisdom they have to pass onto others. If they wish to go public. Sometimes writing is just for you :) Join me via https://www.yourmemoir.co.uk/memoir-accountability-program/ or message me marnie@yourmemoir.co.uk for a phone/Zoom chat first. I've got places open this month (January). Spending time with the women enrolled so far is lighting me up - our chats and co-writing sessions are the highlight of my month - so enriching, gorgeous and productive.

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What a beautiful program! Thanks for sharing the light!

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Ah, thanks so kind and much appreciated, Alison. Thank you for the invitation to share :)

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Hi! I want to mention my novel, Mithra: Stone Sorceress, Hidden Pharaoh, which is out in paperback, eBook, and audible formats in Kindle. I am trying to crowdsource funds for more marketing at this site: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mithra-stone-sorceress-hidden-pharaoh/x/38360398#/. It has gotten some very positive reviews on Amazon and other book review platforms with an average of 4 out of 5 stars. I am working on the sequel, Mithra: Sword of Honor, and hope to be finished with the rough draft by this fall. If you visit the Indiegogo site, you will see an 82-minute video of what Mithra is all about. Even if you don't contribute, please pass along to your fellow writers and readers! Thanks!

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Proud of you for asking for the support you need to make your books happen! Best of luck with the sequel draft!

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Hi, everyone! I just got a $200 contribution to my funding campaign. Absolutely amazing and I thank the contributor for their support!

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